Okay, wahoo! We're committed. Now what?
This next stage involved some serious investigation and research. We scoured the Internet, bookstores, and our local library for the best veggies to grow in this climate, the best way to plant, the various products to improve the soil, the necessary tools and equipment to actually work the soil, the very best heirloom seeds to plant into the now-rich-with nutrients-and-expertly-worked soil and the organic, miracle growth products we could purchase to make our veggies the ABSOLUTE BEST THEY CAN BE!! After careful calculations, we figured our garden would cost us approximately Seventeen thousand, four hundred, fifty-two dollars and eighty-six cents. Per month. Hmm, onto PLAN B.
Plan B consisted of going to the nearest Home Depot and picking out whatever seeds they had there that sounded even remotely interesting. I liked Plan B. So did Laura.
Off to Home Depot and, $30 later, we came home with a nice handful of seeds for a variety of vegetables that our children may actually eat without threat of bodily harm or loss-of-tv privileges, some bamboo stakes, some earth-friendly twine, and a super-cool GET YOUR SEEDS STARTED kit with 108 cubbies for little, fledgling seedlings.
At this point, I absolutely MUST put in a plug for this amazing internet business, run by Gary Ibsen and Dagma Lacey called Tomatofest, the tomato lover's paradise (www.tomatofest.com). They came highly recommended to me by a friend who has been harvesting his own vegetables in a plot similar to ours for 6-7 years now. He raved about the quality of their product and their service. I placed a small order from them and absolutely must agree. Their customer service was top notch, their personal attention to detail was outstanding and the seeds arrived in plenty of time to plant in our GET YOUR SEEDS STARTED kit. They even threw in a bonus pack of White Rabbit seeds for us to try. (I can't wait!!) At this rate, we'll have tomatoes coming out of our ears (or would that be corn?) but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, we're excited to get these seeds into the dirt and watch them grOWWW!!
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