Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Idea

So, a few weeks ago, I was in California with my friend, Laura.  Fabulous weather.  Beautiful bodies.  All the fresh veggies you can eat.  Now realize that I'm not only Irish, I'm from the Midwest (where we survive the 10 1/2 month long winters by eating comfort foods like mashed potatoes with butter, macaroni & cheese made with butter, homemade bread slathered in butter, and whatever veggie is available swimming in butter).  Needless to say, in sunny, healthy, beautiful Southern California, my Midwestern, Irish, all-comfort-food-all-the-time body resembled that of a giant, albino porpoise.  Laura and I returned home with great resolve to eat better and exercise regularly!  This lasted until the plane landed at O'Hare.  I admit, we did attempt to eat salads and lay off the breads for a while, but the fresh food available at mega supermarkets is super-expensive and, really, there's scant few edible veggies one can get at Aldi (onions, green peppers, carrots, and broccoli).

This is when Laura had her brainchild: we'll grow our own garden!!

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