Saturday, May 14, 2011


 Just pulled the family free from the wild tangle of shoots & plant limbs!  We've been trapped for weeks, surviving only on raw lettuce leaves and drinking what liquids we could squeeze from the enormous stalks!

The Army sent in troops to find us but their Hummer was devoured in seconds, the lives of the brave soldiers lost to the jungle that has taken over my house!  They even sent in a helicopter, but, alas, it, too, perished somewhere between the zucchini and the cucumbers!

Thank goodness Ronan had his skateboard or we would still be in there, pinned down by wild summer squash vines!  He was finally able to extricate his skateboard from underneath a mass of sugar snap peas and skated himself to safety.

Once out, he used a neighbor's phone and called in the fire department, who, with incredible talent and bravery, hacked their way through the greenery and freed us all.

Which begs the question: where DID Laura get that plant food?

More later.